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Divezeri has been conceived and developed by Latvian pharmacist, entrepreneur, art collector and philanthropist Dr. Guntis Belevics.
For many years, Dr. Belevics and his family have spent their summers and weekends at „Vecvarnas” on Dunezers Lake. Many of Dr. Belevics friends will remember „Vecvarnas” as the place where Dr. Belevics and his family have hosted many unforgetable Mid-Summer festivals in spectacular traditional Latvian style.
In Latvian „Vecvarnas” means „Old Crows” and it is customary in Latvia for homes to have proper names such as this. Dr. Belevics got to know the territory around the Lilastes and Dunezers lakes and their beauty first hand when he purchased this plot of land more than a decade ago. When he arrived, the land around „Vecvarnas” looked like an overgrown swamp. But, Dr. Belevics saw the potential of this place and he knew that with a bit of care and transformation, it could be a paradise. When he sees swamp, he thinks, „Water for swimming, grass for sunning... We just have to separate them!”
In fact, that is exactly what he has done.
Over the years he and his family have come to cherish the soothing environment around „Vecvarnas” and Divezeri and, they have used it as a retreat from the nearby capital city of Riga, where they live and work.
Dr. Belevics might have been satisfied to keep „Vecvarnas” and the surrounding woodlands for himself. However, he realized that the best way to ensure the future welfare of the area that he has grown to love, is through carefully planned development. By creating a masterplan for the area, together with award-winning, local architect and urban planner Silvis Grinbergs, Dr. Belevics has been able to set aside a large percentage of the surounding woodlands as dedicated green zones and create a sustainable way for more people to enjoy the beauties that nature has provided here in the area that is now called Divezeri.
To find out more about the hobbies and interests of Dr. Belevics,
visit his digital art gallery at